You will require an "Admin" role to make any changes to a Client, LOB, Job or Code information in Superpunch. Once a change has been submitted, whether it was to add, delete or edit information it will need to be approved before the change will take effect. To approve any changes to Clients, LOBs, Jobs or Codes you will require a "Client Approval" role.
To create a new client, follow these steps:
- Log into Superpunch.
- Navigate to: Admin Tools -> Client Configuration.
- Select Create New Client.
- Select Create from Scratch.
- Fill in the following fields:
- "KITT Client ID" (if available/optional)
- "Name"
- "Description"
- Select the Billing Time Zone.
- Use the toggle button to mark the client as Internal (if applicable).
- Use the toggle button to Send IT Termination Notifications (if applicable).
- Select Apply Changes.
- Select the new clients name in the left "Client" panel to repopulate the form.
- Select Submit for Approval.
- In the dialog box that appears, enter comments in the "Notes" field describing the changes you made.
- Select Submit for Approval.
To create a new LOB, follow these steps:
- Log into Superpunch.
- Navigate to: Admin Tools -> Client Configuration.
- Select the LOBs tab and allow time for the page to load.
- Find the corresponding client that you would like to create a new LOB for (you can also search for a client by using the search bar in the top right corner of the screen).
- Once you've found the corresponding client, select the Edit (pencil) icon to the far right for the client.
- Select the Plus
icon for the primary client (should be the very top/first menu option in the left panel), you will know that you selected correct Plus icon because a new line will appear and should look like this:
- Enter the clients name - location in the "Name" field (format should be as follows: Testing - All Sites, or Testing - Las Vegas, or Testing - Taylor Ave etc.).
- Enter a description of the LOB in the "Description" field.
- Select a Location.
- Enter the "KITT LOB ID" (if available/optional).
- Fill out the following fields:
- "Late Arrival Threshold (Minutes)"
- "Time Exception Window (Days)"
- "Partial Time Off (Hours/Day)"
- "Early Arrival Threshold (Minutes)"
- "Early Break Return Threshold (Minutes)"
- "Early Logout Threshold (Minutes)"
- "Full Time Off (Hours/Day)"
- Select View Shift Premiums (if applicable).
- Select Apply Changes.
- Select Submit for Approval.
- In the dialog box that appears, enter comments in the "Notes" field describing the changes you made.
- Select Submit for Approval.
To create a new job, follow these steps:
- Log into Superpunch.
- Navigate to: Admin Tools -> Client Configuration.
- Select the Jobs tab.
- Find the corresponding client that you would like to create a new job for (you can also search for a client by using the search bar in the top right corner of the screen).
- Once you've found the corresponding client, select the Edit (pencil) icon to the far right for the client.
- Select the Plus
icon for the corresponding LOB for the client.
- Enter a name for the job in the "Name" field.
- Use the toggle buttons to select whether or not the following options will apply to the job:
- Punchable
- Access to Superpunch off VPN
- Attendance Points Exempt
- Schedule Edit Enabled
- Select a Job Category.
- Enter a description of the job in the "Description" field.
- Select a Type.
- Select a Schedule Source.
- Select a Job Classification.
- Select the Time Entry Source Type.
- Select Apply Changes.
- Next you will be able to select the applicable codes for the new job by using the drop down boxes located in the "Code" column.
- Once you've selected an applicable code, you can then use the toggle buttons to for that code selection to mark it as whether or not it should be:
- Payable
- Selectable
- Punchable
- Billable
- Productive
- If there are any codes automatically listed that do not apply the new job you're creating, then simply select the Trash
icon to the right to remove it from the list. If you made an error and deleted a code by mistake, the code will still be listed. Just select the Undo
icon to restore the code.
- If you want to create a code that's not currently listed, then select the Add New Code button in the top left corner of the screen.
- In the dialog box that appears, select the Job Code from the drop down menu, and then use the toggle buttons to select whether or not the job code should be:
- Payable
- Selectable
- Punchable
- Billable
- Productive
- Select Add Job Code to add and save the job code you created, or select Close to exit without saving.
- Select Submit For Approval.
- In the dialog box that appears, enter comments in the "Notes" field describing the changes you made.
- Select Submit for Approval.
To create a new code, follow these steps:
- Log into Superpunch.
- Navigate to: Admin Tools -> Client Configuration.
- Select the Codes tab.
- Select Create New Code.
- Enter a name for the code in the "Code Name" field.
- Select a Code Type.
- Enter a description of the code in the "Description" field.
- Select Submit for Approval.
To edit clients, LOBs, jobs, or codes, follow these steps:
- Log into Superpunch.
- Navigate to: Admin Tools -> Client Configuration
- Select the corresponding tab at the top of the screen: LOBS, Jobs, or Codes.
- Once you're on the appropriate tab, find the corresponding Client, LOB, Job or Code and then select the Edit (pencil) icon to the far right.
- Make the necessary changes, and if applicable select Apply Changes.
- Select Submit for Approval.
To delete an LOB or job follow these steps:
- Log into Superpunch.
- Navigate to: Admin Tools -> Client Configuration
- Select the corresponding tab at the top of the screen: LOBS, Jobs.
- Once you're on the appropriate tab, find the corresponding Client, LOB, Job or Code and then select the Edit (pencil) icon to the far right.
- To delete an LOB or Job:
- Select the Trash icon to the right of the corresponding LOB or Job
- Select OK.
- Select Submit for Approval.
- If you accidentally deleted an LOB you can simply click on the Undo button on the screen to restore it. If you accidentally deleted a job you can simply go to the details tab for that job and select the Undo button to restore it, however in both cases the undo option will no longer be available once the deletion has been approved in which case you'd have to re-add the job/lob manually and send it for approval again.
To delete a code, follow these steps:
- Log into Superpunch.
- Navigate to: Admin Tools -> Client Configuration
- Select the corresponding tab at the top of the screen: Client, LOBs, or Jobs.
- Once you're on the appropriate tab, find the corresponding Client, LOB, or Job and then select the Edit (pencil) icon to the far right.
- Next, navigate to the corresponding job for that LOB that you'd like to delete a code in.
- Navigate to the Codes tab.
- Select the Trash icon to the right of the code that you'd like to delete.
- Once the code has been delete, the trash icon will change to an undo icon. If you deleted a code by accident, simply click on the Undo icon to restore it.
You cannot delete clients from Superpunch, but you can disable them (make them inactive).
To disable a client, follow these steps:
- Log into Superpunch.
- Navigate to: Admin Tools -> Client Configuration
- Select the Clients tab.
- Find the corresponding client and select the toggle button in the "Active" column to disable/make the client inactive.
- If you want to reactivate the client at a later point in time, simply navigate back to the same spot and select the toggle button in the "Active" column, and t hen select OK to reactivate the client.
You must have a "Client Approvals" role to approve any changes made to clients, LOBs, jobs, or codes, whether the request was to add, delete, or edit information.
To approve any changes to clients, LOBS, jobs, or codes, follow these steps:
- Log into Superpunch.
- Navigate to: Admin Tools -> Client Configuration
- Select the corresponding tab at the top of the screen: Client, LOBs, or Jobs (for codes, go to the corresponding job and select the Codes tab).
- Once you're on the appropriate tab, find the corresponding Client, LOB, or Job and then select the Edit (pencil) icon to the far right.
- Navigate to the appropriate section in which you want to make approvals for (Client info, Line of Business info, Job info or Codes).
- Review the information and select Save & Approve.
Need more help? See the Superpunch Support Options article.