The Team lead Dashboard brings real-time Avaya phone information into Superpunch.
The Dashboard displays the following five tabs:
- All (entire team, default tab)
- Scheduled & Working
- Late Or Absent
- No Call, No Show
- Alerts
The All tab is the default tab of the dashboard, in this tab you can:
- Select the number of agents you want to view in your list by clicking on the Show Entries dropdown menu in the lower-left corner.
- You can select the Auto-Update toggle button to turn it on or off, when turned on this option auto-updates agents' status in real time.
- You can also select the Refresh button located to the left of the Auto-Update toggle button to refresh the Dashboard. The dashboard can be refreshed at any time, regardless of if you have the Auto-Update set to on or off.
- You can sort your list alphabetically (ascending/descending) by clicking on the User tab.
- When you hover over an agent's name, it will show you the name of the workstation the agent is currently using (or last used).
- You can select the 3 dots to the right of an agents name to access the following options (these options are specific to the agent):
- View profile
- View attendance calendar
- Chat
- Audio Call
- Log Use Absence
- You can see the current Aux state and time spent in that state, the columns are listed below:
- Break
- Lunch
- Bathroom
- U-Break (Unscheduled Break)
- U-Lunch (Unscheduled Lunch)
- In the "Today's Schedule" column, you can see the agents current schedule for that day.
- Left of the line is what they actually worked (hover over the segment for punch name and time)
- Right of the line is their schedule (hover over for schedule segment name and time)
- Turns red if they are absent or NCNS
- You can see the agent's current attendance points in the "Points" column.
Select the Schedule and Working tab to see agents from your team that are scheduled for the current day who are currently logged in and have punches.
Select the Late Or Absent tab to see agents who have a schedule for that day, who have not logged in for the day and have an absent logged in Superpunch for the day, or if their Team Lead submitted an absence on their behalf.
Select the No Call, No Show tab to see agents who have schedules, but who do not have log in information via Superpunch/Avaya for the current day.
Select the Alerts tab to view attendance alerts for specific agents. In this tab you will receive alerts for agents whose attendance points are below 8 points.
Need more help? See the Superpunch Support Options article.