This is a general guideline to how attendance points work:
Note: You are not eligible to earn attendance points until you have completed training.
- New employees start: 8 points
- Maximum Points: 16 points
Note: For this purpose, you are considered a new employee if you have not been employed by 24-7 Intouch in the past 60 days. Rehires of less than 60 days and internal transfers will keep their latest level of attendance points.
(Attendance Rewards)
- Perfect Shift in Arizona and Nevada (effective June 1, 2020): +0.20
- Perfect Shift all other sites: +.25
Scores are rounded down, this will only affect your attendance score after four perfect shifts are reported.
(Attendance Infractions)
- Late or Leave Early < 1 hour: -1 point
- Late or Leave Early 1 - 3 hours: -2 points
- Late or Leave Early > 3 hours: -3 points
- Notified Absence: -3 points
- NCNS (No Call/No Show): -5 points
View the Complete Attendance Policy.
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