If you're a supervisor and you'd like to add an Agent to your team, follow these steps:
- Log into Superpunch.
- Navigate to: My Team -> Manage -> Add Tab.
- You can search for the agent that you'd like to add to your team by using the "Search" bar in the top-right corner, or you can sort any of the columns alphabetically or numerically.
- Once you've found the agent you'd like to add to your team, select the
Add User icon to add them to your team.
To assign a Supervisor to an Agent, follow these steps:
- Log into Superpunch.
- Select your Profile Picture icon in the top-right corner.
- Select User Settings.
- Select the Profile tab.
- In the "Job Details" section, select your Supervisor.
- Select Submit.
Need more help? See the Superpunch Support Options article.